Hi Manish,

what can I say, awesome!

To get the default values, you could do

(get 'org-some-variable 'standard-value)

and evaluate this.  You can do this with a formula in the table,
I have successfully tried this:

#+TBLFM: $2='(let ((x (prin1-to-string (get '$1 'standard-value)))) (org-require-autoloaded-modules) (if (or (string-match "\n" x) (> (length x) 40)) "complex" x));L

It get the value, converts it to a string and inserts it if it is
not too long and does not contain a newline.

- Carsten

On Jan 30, 2009, at 8:46 AM, Manish wrote:

On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 4:37 AM, Carsten Dominik wrote:


Of course, if there is a volunteer who would like to organize
this info into a Worg page, I would even be more happy ...

I am collating the information in the following format.

| Submitter | Variable | Value | Comment |

Hi Manish, thanks so much for doing this, really appreciate it.
Maybe add a column with the default value, so that we can be sure
that the did not just set the default value?

I did not know of an obvious or easy way to find out the default
values. :-/

Here are the results so far.

20 people responsed within the first day reporting about 479
customizations including 187 unique variables (49.6% !, assuming total
377 variables.)

NB: I did try to filter out faces but a few might have crept through.

First top tweakers.

| Submitter           | Customizations |
| Fredrich Fredrichs  | 64             |
| Bernt Hansen        | 56             |
| Matthew Lundin      | 52             |
| Sebastian Rose      | 51             |
| Austin Frank        | 38             |
| Chris Leyon         | 28             |
| Ross Patterson      | 25             |
| Dan Griswold        | 24             |
| William Henney      | 24             |
| Peter Jones         | 21             |
| Michael Ekstrand    | 20             |
| Eric Faga           | 13             |
| Steven Harris       | 11             |
| Tassilo Horn        | 11             |
| Oliver Charles      | 10             |
| Dan Davison         |  8             |
| Hsui-Khuern Tang    |  8             |
| Scott Randby        |  6             |
| Sivaram Neelakantan |  5             |
| Don Womick          |  4             |

And what was tweaked:

| Variable (may be a few faces as well) | No. of times customized | |--------------------------------------------------- +-------------------------| | org-agenda-start-on-weekday | 14 | | org-todo-keywords | 14 | | org-log-done | 13 | | org-agenda-files | 12 | | org-agenda-include-diary | 12 | | org-hide-leading-stars | 12 | | org-use-fast-todo-selection | 12 | | org-remember-templates | 10 | | org-agenda-skip-scheduled-if-done | 9 | | org-agenda-custom-commands | 8 | | org-agenda-skip-deadline-if-done | 8 | | org-agenda-sorting-strategy | 8 | | org-default-notes-file | 8 | | org-special-ctrl-a/e | 8 | | org-stuck-projects | 8 | | org-completion-use-ido | 7 | | org-deadline-warning-days | 7 | | org-agenda-ndays | 6 | | org-agenda-window-setup | 6 | | org-columns-default-format | 6 | | org-fast-tag-selection-single-key | 6 | | org-mode-hook | 6 | | org-publish-project-alist | 6 | | org-tag-alist | 6 | | org-agenda-show-all-dates | 5 | | org-directory | 5 | | org-export-with-LaTeX-fragments | 5 | | org-special-ctrl-k | 5 | | org-tags-match-list-sublevels | 5 | | auto-mode-alist | 4 | | org-blank-before-new-entry | 4 | | org-drawers | 4 | | org-global-properties | 4 | | org-refile-targets | 4 | | org-return-follows-link | 4 | | org-reverse-note-order | 4 | | org-startup-folded | 4 | | org-todo-keyword-faces | 4 | | org-agenda-log-mode-items | 3 | | org-agenda-time-grid | 3 | | org-agenda-todo-ignore-scheduled | 3 | | org-clock-history-length | 3 | | org-clock-persist | 3 | | org-export-html-style | 3 | | org-export-latex-classes | 3 | | org-id-method | 3 | | org-link-frame-setup | 3 | | org-odd-levels-only | 3 | | org-refile-use-outline-path | 3 | | org-remember-store-without-prompt | 3 | | org-show-siblings | 3 | | org-time-stamp-rounding-minutes | 3 | | org-todo-state-tags-triggers | 3 | | org-use-fast-tag-selection | 3 | | org-after-todo-state-change-hook | 2 | | org-agenda-exporter-settings | 2 | | org-agenda-mode-hook | 2 | | org-agenda-repeating-timestamp-show-all | 2 | | org-agenda-restore-windows-after-quit | 2 | | org-agenda-skip-timestamp-if-done | 2 | | org-agenda-todo-ignore-with-date | 2 | | org-archive-location | 2 | | org-archive-save-context-info | 2 | | org-attach-method | 2 | | org-clock-in-resume | 2 | | org-clock-in-switch-to-state | 2 | | org-clock-out-remove-zero-time-clocks | 2 | | org-clock-out-when-done | 2 | | org-code | 2 | | org-enforce-todo-dependencies | 2 | | org-export-mark-todo-in-toc | 2 | | org-export-with-sub-superscripts | 2 | | org-fast-tag-selection-include-todo | 2 | | org-icalendar-include-todo | 2 | | org-icalendar-store-UID | 2 | | org-link-abbrev-alist | 2 | | org-link-mailto-program | 2 | | org-log-repeat | 2 | | org-M-RET-may-split-line | 2 | | org-modules | 2 | | org-outline-path-complete-in-steps | 2 | | org-remember-default-headline | 2 | | org-remember-insinuate | 2 | | org-show-entry-below | 2 | | org-show-following-heading | 2 | | org-structure-template-alist | 2 | | org-table | 2 | | org-tag | 2 | | org-todo-interpretation | 2 | | org-use-property-inheritance | 2 | | appt-activate | 1 | | before-save-hook | 1 | | org-add-link-type | 1 | | org-after-todo-statistics-hook | 1 | | org-agenda-after-show-hook | 1 | | org-agenda-clockreport-parameter-plist | 1 | | org-agenda-columns-add-appointments-to-effort-sum | 1 | | org-agenda-columns-compute-summary-properties | 1 | | org-agenda-remove-times-when-in-prefix | 1 | | org-agenda-show-inherited-tags | 1 | | org-agenda-skip-unavailable-files | 1 | | org-agenda-start-with-clockreport-mode | 1 | | org-agenda-tags-column | 1 | | org-agenda-text-search-extra-files | 1 | | org-agenda-todo-ignore-deadlines | 1 | | org-agenda-use-time-grid | 1 | | org-annotate-file-storage-file | 1 | | org-archive-mark-done | 1 | | org-attach-auto-tag | 1 | | org-attach-directory | 1 | | org-blank-before-bullet | 1 | | org-calc-default-modes | 1 | | org-clock-persist-file | 1 | | org-clock-persistence-insinuate | 1 | | org-clock-remove-zero-time-clocks | 1 | | org-column | 1 | | org-combined-agenda-icalendar-file | 1 | | org-confirm-elisp-link-function | 1 | | org-date | 1 | | org-default-notes-files | 1 | | org-default-priority | 1 | | org-disputed-keys | 1 | | org-ditaa-jar-path | 1 | | org-done | 1 | | org-effort-property | 1 | | org-empty-line-terminates-plain-lists | 1 | | org-export-default-language | 1 | | org-export-html-inline-images | 1 | | org-export-html-table-tag | 1 | | org-export-html-title-format | 1 | | org-export-html-use-infojs | 1 | | org-export-latex-remove-from-headlines | 1 | | org-export-run-in-background | 1 | | org-export-section-number-format | 1 | | org-export-skip-text-before-1st-heading | 1 | | org-export-with-drawers | 1 | | org-export-with-priority | 1 | | org-export-with-section-numbers | 1 | | org-export-with-toc | 1 | | org-file-apps | 1 | | org-finalize-agenda-hook | 1 | | org-fontify-done-headline | 1 | | org-footnote-auto-label | 1 | | org-footnote-section | 1 | | org-formula | 1 | | org-gnus-prefer-web-links | 1 | | org-goto-interface | 1 | | org-goto-max-level | 1 | | org-hide | 1 | | org-hide-emphasis-markers | 1 | | org-highlight-latex-fragments-and-specials | 1 | | org-icalendar-include-sexps | 1 | | org-infojs-options | 1 | | org-insert-heading-respect-content | 1 | | org-insert-mode-line-in-empty-file | 1 | | org-keep-stored-link-after-insertion | 1 | | org-latex-and-export-specials | 1 | | org-link-to-org-use-id | 1 | | org-log-note-clock-out | 1 | | org-log-note-headings | 1 | | org-log-state-notes-insert-after-drawers | 1 | | org-log-states-order-reversed | 1 | | org-lowest-priority | 1 | | org-mairix-display-hook | 1 | | org-mairix-gnus-results-group | 1 | | org-mairix-gnus-select-display-group-function | 1 | | org-mairix-mutt-display-command | 1 | | org-plain-list-ordered-item-terminator | 1 | | org-property-value | 1 | | org-publish-use-timestamps-flag | 1 | | org-remember-clock-out-on-exit | 1 | | org-remember-use-refile-when-interactive | 1 | | org-remove-highlights-with-change | 1 | | org-replace-disputed-keys | 1 | | org-show-hierarchy-above | 1 | | org-sort-agenda-noeffort-is-high | 1 | | org-startup-align-all-tables | 1 | | org-startup-truncated | 1 | | org-table-export-default-format | 1 | | org-table-formula-evaluate-inline | 1 | | org-tags-column | 1 | | org-time-clocksum-format | 1 | | org-time-grid | 1 | | org-time-stamp-custom-formats | 1 | | org-todo | 1 | | org-use-tag-inheritance | 1 | | org-verbatim | 1 |

I have attached a file with raw data.


PS: I did not add my own data because that messes everything up.  It
seems I have touched *every single one* at least one time or the other.

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