
> On 2016年8月31日, at 07:44, Clément Pit--Claudel <clement....@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm not sure I understand the problem description. Turning on prettification 
> does breaks table alignment; thus, 
> | a      | b | c |
> |--------+---+---|
> | \alpha |   |   |
> is always displayed as 
> | a      | b | c |
> |--------+---+---|
> | α |   |   |
> I can indeed reproduce this; one way to prevent it from happening would be to 
> prettify "\alpha" as "α     “.

This is the same as my experience, and it makes sense because turning on 
prettification does not take care of the alignment. The problem I have is 
exactly related to what you described below, i.e. the table alignment after a 

> On the other hand, realigning the table (by pressing tab in a cell) produces 
> the expected alignment:
> | a | b | c |
> |---+---+---|
> | α |   |   |

I have a different experience for this.
In my case, after a realignment (by pressing TAB or C-c C-c), I got 

| a  | b | c |
| α |   |   |

instead of 

| a | b | c |
| α |   |   |

It looks like that a greek letter is considered to be a double-wide symbol but 
displayed as a single-wide one.

> which in turn looks wrong when prettification is disabled:
> | a | b | c |
> |---+---+---|
> | \alpha |   |   |
> Does this match your experience? If so, I don't think it's a bug, as much as 
> a limitation of prettification.
> Clément.

This is surprising as I can reproduce the issue with a clean init file.
Btw, I am using org-plus-contrib package (20160822) with emacs 25.1.50 on a mac 


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