Even though it's a large and complex application in itself, Org mode
is still "just" an Emacs "mode". Very roughly, that translates to an
add-on/plug-in/extension for Emacs.

So you start Emacs first. Then within Emacs you either create or open
an Org-mode file, that is, a plain text file with the ".org"
extension. As soon as Emacs recognizes that it is editing an Org-mode
file it "switches on" Org mode.

The default cross-platform keystroke for "visiting" a file, as we say
in Emacs-land, is C-x C-f. That is, hold down the Control key (*not*
the Command key) and type first X then F. Then you follow the text
prompts to type in the file name you want to open/create. However, if
you're using a build of Emacs that is heavily customized for the Mac
you may have the more intuitive Mac-standard keystrokes using the
standard Mac file chooser: Command-N for "New...", Command-O for
"Open", etc.

On 11 November 2016 at 21:58, Matthew Pritchard
<wintermute2...@icloud.com> wrote:
> How do I get org mode to start in osx emacs?

Phil Hudson                  http://hudson-it.ddns.net
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