Flávio <flavio...@gmail.com> writes:

> I am using columnview table now to get some summaries of worked hours and
> quantity balance as well. This is one example showing a quantity of quoted
> computers and the real sold quantity:
> |   | ITEM                    | Quotation | Sold | 
> |---+-------------------------+-----------+------+
> |   | ** Computers            |      10   |  7   |
> |---+-------------------------+-----------+------+
> Is there any way to automatically insert a fórmula in a third column? For
> example, I could insert a "Difference" column and make Sold - Quotation and 
> get
> this result:
> |   | ITEM                    | Quotation | Sold | Difference |
> |---+-------------------------+-----------+------+------------|
> |   | ** Computers            |      10   |  7   |     -3     |
> |---+-------------------------+-----------+------+------------|

org-collector is useful when you want to perform calculations on
properties *before* they are entered into a columnview type table.
Using org-collector a dblock like the following should work.

#+BEGIN: propview :cols (ITEM Quoted Sold (- Sold Quoted))

The downside of org-collector is that it is not really part of org-mode,
and it doesn't have many of the nice features of columnview tables, like
the specification of column titles.  You can grab a copy of
org-collector.el from here

Cheers -- Eric

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