On Wed, 23 Nov 2016 21:22:08 -0800
"Charles C. Berry" <ccbe...@ucsd.edu> wrote:

> On Thu, 24 Nov 2016, Harry Butterworth wrote:
> > I tried org-org-export-to-org which puts everything into a single
> > document but it strips the :tangle parameters out so a subsequent
> > tangle doesn't generate any source code.
> >
> You might try this. Put this at the *top* of your file:
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> #+PROPERTY: header-args :eval never-export
> #+NAME: tangle file
> #+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp :eval yes :exports results
> (org-babel-tangle)
> --8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
> Type C-c C-c on the property line to refresh it.
> Now export. Type 'y' in reply to the query to eval the `tangle file'
> src block and again to the `discard edits' query.
> Even exporting to a buffer should be fine. You do not really want the 
> exported document, you just want to force the inclusions to take
> place and then run that src block.
> This should work, because `org-export-as' will expand all the
> include's before running babel. If the above block runs before any
> others, then the :tangle headers will still be in place.
> In fact you could create a separate file, place all the above in it
> and add one line at the bottom to include the top level org file you
> want to tangle from. Then export that.
> HTH,
> Chuck

A line

#+Property: tangle yes

in your org document is sufficient to get it tangled (in org 8.3.6).

I'm currently using the attached script for tangling configuration
files and scripts from the command line.  Please note, it expects
the Emacs initialization file to be ~/.emacs ....

Best regards

#!/usr/bin/emacs --script
;;  -*- coding: utf-8-unix; -*-

;; modified from ob-tanbgle.el:org-babel-tangle-publish
(defun roklein/tangle-publish (filename pub-dir)
  "Tangle FILENAME and place the results in PUB-DIR."
  (unless (file-exists-p pub-dir)
    (make-directory pub-dir t))
  (mapc (lambda (el)
          (rename-file el
                       (concat (directory-file-name pub-dir)
                               (file-name-nondirectory el))
        (org-babel-tangle-file filename)))

(defun roklein/tangle-with-include (filename
  "Extract the body of source blocks in FILENAME.
Optional argument OUTPUT-FILE can be used to have a more original
file name for the tangled files (instead of FILENAME.lang, where
filename retains its 'org' ending).  Optional argument
OUTPUT-DIRECTORY can be used to have the tangles files moved to
it.  Note, as the original file is exported to org first, a file
FILENAME.org, or -- if given as argument -- OUTPUT-FILE will
remain in the directory of the original FILENAME file."
   ;; filename without extension must not be outfile, or the original
   ;; org file would be overwritten.
   ((equal filename output-filename)
     "'output-filename' must not be the same as 'filename' minus extension.")
   ;; does the original orgfile exist and is readable?
   ((or (not (file-exists-p filename))
        (not (file-readable-p filename)))
    (message "%s\n" "Org file 'filename' does not exist or is not readable.")
   ;; does the output-directory exist?
   ((and output-directory
         (or (not (file-exists-p output-directory))
             (not (file-accessible-directory-p output-directory)))
         (message "%s\n" "output directory does not exist")))
    (load "~/.emacs")
    (find-file filename)
    (setq org-confirm-babel-evaluate nil)
    (let ((new-org-file (org-org-export-to-org))
           (when output-filename
             (if (file-exists-p output-filename)
                  (concat "Output file "
                          " already exists. Overwrite? "))
      (when (and output-filename overwrite-existing)
        (rename-file new-org-file output-filename overwrite-existing))
      (when (not output-filename)
        (setq output-filename new-org-file))
      (message "output filename: %s" output-filename)
      (roklein/tangle-publish output-filename
                              (or output-directory "."))))))
(defun usage()
  (message "\n%s\n"
           "Usage: tangle.el filename [output-filename output-directory]"))

(defun main ()
  (let ((argc (length command-line-args-left)))
        (cond ((< argc 1)
               (message "%s\n" "Too few arguments.")
              ((> argc 3)
               (message "%s\n" "Too many arguments.")
               (apply 'roklein/tangle-with-include


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