Hello all,
I would like to know if there is a way to pass a reference for a figure to
a source block as in the following example:


* Section name

some text
#+CAPTION: Fig Caption
#+NAME: fig:image
some reference to figure [[fig:image]]

* other section
reference to Section [[Section name]]

#+BEGIN_SRC R :session *sample* default :exports results :results output
latex :tangle yes :var plot=[[fig:image]]
             , caption = paste("Link the image", plot,"to this table")))


I would like the caption of the table to point to the image, at the point
where the word "plot" is located, in LaTeX export of the org file.

Any help or other workarounds are appreciated. I am using org version 9.0.3
in GNU Emacs 24.5.1.

Thanks for your help and regards,

Tucson, AZ

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