Until yesterday the following capture template worked. A recent fix may have caused another bug.

(setq org-capture-templates

;;; tasks todo on a specific date, not appointments
      (append '(("t" "Todo entries")
        ("ts" "Scheduled" entry
             (file+headline "/mnt/Data/ActiveFiles/Diary.org" "TODOs")
"* TODO %?%^{What do you want to do?} %^g %i\n SCHEDULED: %^{enter a timestamp}t\n\t:OTHERINFO:\n\t\t%^{Enter other pertinent info} %i\n\t:END:\n\t\tDate Entered %U\n"
             :empty-lines 1)

;;; tasks todo date is nice, but not earth shattering
        ("tt" "Target dates" entry
         (file+headline "/mnt/Data/ActiveFiles/Diary.org" "TODOs")
"* TODO %?%^{What do you want to do?} %^g\n %i\ TARGETDATE: %^{enter a timestamp}t\n\t:OTHERINFO:\n\t\t%^{Enter other pertinent info} %i\n\t:END:\n\t\tDate Entered %U\n"
             :empty-lines 1)

;;; tasks with definite deadlines
        ("td" "Deadline" entry
             (file+headline "/mnt/Data/ActiveFiles/Diary.org" "TODOs")
"* TODO %?%^{What do you want to do?} %^g\n %i\ DEADLINE: %^{enter a timestamp}t\n\t:OTHERINFO:\n\t\t%^{Enter other pertinent info} %i\n\t:END:\n\t\tDate Entered %U\n"
             :empty-lines 1)

;;; plain vanilla task todo's
        ("tp" "PlainTODO" entry
             (file+headline "/mnt/Data/ActiveFiles/Diary.org" "TODOs")
"* TODO %?%^{What do you want to do?} %i\ %^{enter a timestamp}t %^g\n\t:OTHERINFO:\n\t\t%^{Enter other pertinent info} %i\n\t:END:\n\t\tDate Entered %U\n"
             :empty-lines 1))


I also have a capture for entering my time worked on files


            ("s" "timeslip" table-line
             (file "/mnt/Data/ActiveFiles/timeslips.org")
"\| %(org-read-date)\| %^{FileName} %i\| %^{Narrative} %i\| %^{Time} %i\| %^{Expense} %i"


Today I called the capture for the TODOs "t", the sub items show up, however if I select "s" the capture goes to the timeslip capture.

Org mode version 9.0.4 (release_9.0.4-252-g6b30de @ /usr/local/share/emacs/site-lisp/org-mode/lisp/) GNU Emacs 24.4.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.14.5) of 2015-03-07 on trouble, modified by Debian

Charlie Millar

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