On Thu, Feb 2, 2017 at 9:43 AM, Sharon Kimble
<boudic...@skimble.plus.com> wrote:
> Nicolas Goaziou <m...@nicolasgoaziou.fr> writes:
>> Hello,
>> Sharon Kimble <boudic...@skimble.plus.com> writes:
>>> I'm writing a document which is exported to latex and then built into a
>>> PDF where I might have 'Alcohol', just as an example, mentioned several
>>> times in different level headings. Currently I'm using org links like
>>> this [[*Alcohol][Alcohol]] but that only allows me to link to one
>>> heading only.
>>> I've tried using links like this
>>> [[id:542d0880-c0fd-46d5-b75d-4cc6f5fa99cc][Alcohol]] and under the
>>> heading that I'm linking to it says -
>>> *** Alcohol
>>> :ID:     542d0880-c0fd-46d5-b75d-4cc6f5fa99cc
>>> :END:
>>> But when exported it does not work.
>> What doesn't work?
> The example that I've just given with the ID.

Input: a reproducible example is best. With just pasting the id and
what the Alcohol heading says, it still leaves other things open to
chance... best would be a minimal config, minimal .org file contents,
and org version. Just my opinion. Otherwise a lot of emails are traded
just making sure everyone is on the same page. With the things I've
listed people can create an approximately matching setup to just try
it rather than guess at how to recreate what your'e describing.


> Thanks
> Sharon.
> --
> A taste of linux = http://www.sharons.org.uk
> TGmeds = http://www.tgmeds.org.uk
> Debian 8.6, fluxbox 1.3.5-2, emacs

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