After upgrading to Org 9.0.5 elpa (as part of trying out elpa for the first
time ever) I get the 'pick agenda option menu'. Pickin "a" or "t" all I get
is a message:

"Invalid function: org-with-silentmodifications"

OS: Corporaate tweak of Ubuntu 14.04
Emacs 24.3.1

Before doing the Org upgrade I used the version that come bundled with
Emacs (Org 7.something). With the old configuration Org mode worked fine
when it came to agenda view and managing todo-lists. There were some minor
issues such as missing ox-latex that prompted my upgrade.

Doing an internet search for the error message I get a host of hits. So far
this one is the only one that seems relevant:

Am I on the right track if I try this? (I am at home now, otherwise I would
have tried right away)


Martin Schöön

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