
Quazgar <quaz...@posteo.de> writes:

> As hinted on the manual http://orgmode.org/manual/Column-formulas.html
> and written explicitly on a StackOverflow topic
> http://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/15185/cant-assign-to-hline-relative-reference,
> the left hand side of table formulas currently cannot contain
> references:
>    The left-hand side of a column formula cannot be the name of column,
>    it must be the numeric column reference or $>.
> In examples like the following, this would be very convenient though:
> | Value 1 | Value 2 | Sum |
> |---------+---------+-----|
> |       1 |       1 |     |
> |       3 |       4 |     |
> |---------+---------+-----|
> | Average | of sums |     |
> #+TBLFM: @I$3..@II$3=$1+$2::$3=vmean(@I..@II)
> If I remember correctly, it used to work (I found a similar line in
> org documents from June 2015).  Is it possible to have this feature
> (back), now officially?

This feature was never introduced, at least in a correct implementation.
At some point, there was something like it, but it was broken and was
consequently removed.

AFAIR, relative references using hlines (e.g., @I) is not well defined
and is therefore difficult to implement. You may want to search the
mailing list archives about it.


Nicolas Goaziou

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