Peter Salazar <> writes:

> Hi everyone,
> I figured out that the problem I've been having with
> org-html-slideshow
> ( is that it relies
> on the old-style numbered anchors that org-mode used to generate for
> div ID's in HTML export—the ones that looked like "sec-1-2".
> Example:
> <div id="outline-container-sec-1-2" class="outline-3">
> <div class="outline-text-3" id="text-1-2">
> As you know, the new 8.x org-mode HTML exporter generates this instead:
>  <div id="outline-container-org42e1e05" class="outline-3">
>  <div class="outline-text-3" id="text-org42e1e05">
> This output confuses org-html-slideshow, preventing it from
> correctly advancing the slides in the presenter view. 
> Does anyone know how can I direct org-mode 8.x to generate div tags
> with the old-style numbered anchors like it used to?

The LaTeX exporter *does* have such a capability, through the
variable org-latex-prefer-user-labels, but I don't think there is a
similar capability in the HTML exporter (although Nicolas has
expressed his willingness to accept a patch that implements it, IIRC -
hint, hint...)


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