On Wed, 29 Mar 2017 11:12:22 -0400, John Kitchin <jkitc...@andrew.cmu.edu> wrote:

Using evil-mode is not "using vim" IMHO. I think this is a question of
do you want modal editing or not (I suppose it could also be do you want
emacs-lisp or vimscript, but that is not the impression I get these days
;). With emacs you can have either traditional emacs editing (one-mode:
edit) or modal editing like vim (for the most part). And you can still
use emacs-lisp to customize the environment so you can have things like

I have seen a growing movement towards modal editing in emacs, e.g.
evil-mode, spacemacs, hydra, avy/ivy, etc... and even do some things
modally myself with those tools.

Thinking historically, I see modal editing in TECO, where everything between "i" and "$" (the ESC key) was insert mode, and everything else was a command. Woe unto the person who omitted the "i" or who inadvertently ended insert mode, because all other text was commands. For example, ihxhgh$ inserts "hxhgh" but just hxhgh$ duplicates the entire buffer.

Here is a sample TECO session:

*hkiHere is some text that I am inserting.
Here is another line.
Here is some text that I am inserting.
Here is another line.
*zjiThis is a new bottom line. Next we try forgetting an "i" command.
*here is a forgotten i command
?SYS   No such file or directory
?UFI   unable to open file e is a forgotten i command<CR><LF> for input

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