
I am illustrating some basic syntactic differences between programming
languages to some people. In order to do this I embedded a small Scala
program into an Org file

  #+BEGIN_SRC scala :exports both
    object Fibonacci extends App
      def fib (n : Int) : Int =
        if (n == 1 || n == 2)
          n - 1
          fib (n - 1) + fib (n - 2)

      println (fib (7))

This isn't in any way a correctly efficient way to (recursively)
calculate numbers from the sequence, but this is only about syntactics
for beginners, so I need to keep it very simple.

Anyway, when I compile and run this code in Scala it works just fine:

[jarmo@localhost tmp]$ scalac test.scala
[jarmo@localhost tmp]$ scala Fibonacci

But C-c C-c in Org mode gives me a warning and no result:

  : /tmp/babel-6890GcO/scala-6890K2a:6: warning: Fibonacci$2 has a main method 
with parameter type Array[String], but Main.$anon$2.$anonfun$1.Fibonacci$2 will 
not be a runnable program.
  :   Reason: companion contains its own main method, which means no static 
forwarder can be generated.
  : object Fibonacci extends App
  :        ^
  : one warning found
  : ()

When I look at the temporary file I see that the code has been embedded
in a wrapper defined in ob-scala.el. I guess it's the wrapper that
messes up the execution of the code.

What is the wrapper for? How am I supposed to use it?


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