On Tue, Apr 18, 2017 at 1:33 AM, Nicolas Goaziou <m...@nicolasgoaziou.fr> wrote:
> I cannot reproduce it. Could you provide an ECM?

Create a file tmp.org with the contents:

* Stuck :project:
* Unstuck :project:
** TODO thing

1. emacs -q
2. Eval:

(setq org-agenda-files '("~/tmp.org")
      org-stuck-projects '("project" ("TODO") nil ""))

3. M-x org-agenda RET #

Buffer contents:

List of stuck projects:
  tmp:        Stuck                                                    :project:

4. r

Buffer contents:

Headlines with TAGS match: project
Press ‘C-u r’ to search again with new search string
  tmp:        Stuck                                                    :project:
  tmp:        Unstuck                                                  :project:
  tmp:        TODO thing                                              :project::

I realize that this is using the stock Org mode that ships with Emacs,
but it's the same behavior as org-20170210, which I believe is the
latest and this repro is easier.

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