Just add my confirmation that I have no issues with GUI bindings on either
MacOS Sierra with emacs 25.2 and org 9.0.7 or under Linux with Ubuntu 17.04
(same emacs and org versions).

What happens if

1. You use emacs -q and just load the version of org which is bundled with
2. you use emacs -q and just load latest org from elpa?

On the mac, I do have

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
  (when *is-a-mac*
    (setq mac-command-modifier 'meta)
    (setq mac-option-modifier 'none)
    (setq dired-free-space-program "gdf")
    (setq insert-directory-program "gls")
    (setq default-input-method "MacOSX")
    ;; Make mouse wheel / trackpad scrolling less jerky
    (setq mouse-wheel-scroll-amount '(1 ((shift) . 5)
    (dolist (multiple '("" "double-" "triple-"))
      (dolist (direction '("right" "left"))
        (global-set-key (read-kbd-macro
                         (concat "<" multiple "wheel-" direction ">"))
    (bind-key "M-'" 'ns-next-frame)
    (bind-key "M-h" 'ns-do-hide-emacs)
    (bind-key "M-`" 'ms-do-hide-others)
    (use-package applescript-mode
      :ensure t
      :mode ("\\.applescript" . applescript-mode))
    (use-package osx-plist
      :ensure t)
    (use-package osx-trash
      :ensure t
      :config (osx-trash-setup)))


On 31 May 2017 at 02:49, Charles C. Berry <ccbe...@ucsd.edu> wrote:

> On Tue, 30 May 2017, Scott Randby wrote:
> On 05/30/2017 08:29 AM, Jean-Christophe Helary wrote:
>>> It is the opposite that's happening. Terminal works fine. It is the GUI
>>> that does not accept the bindings. And as I wrote, it is not limited to
>>> my macOS (Emacs.app and Aquamacs show the same behavior) but to other
>>> people's GTK+ linux or Xubuntu. So it seems that's something that aught
>>> to be investigated and eventually fixed.
> Not by the org team, I think. As Scott reports:
>> I have no issues on Xubuntu with Org key bindings. I'm using Emacs
>> 24.5.1 and Org 9.0.3 on Xubuntu 16.04.
> I have no issues either on
>         macOS Sierra 10.12.5 Emacs.app 25.1.1 Org 9.0.7
> AFAICS, the GUI Emacs.app runs as advertised and there is nothing wrong
> with Org.  There are a lot of us who use macOS and Org with no issues with
> M-<left/right>, so it is hard to see how this is an org-mode issue.
> Some additional data points:
> M-<left> promotes and M-<right> demotes headlines using the usual GUI app.
> The Terminal is tricky:
> In the Terminal using Emacs.app, with Edit Menu - Use Option As Meta Key
> selected:
> I get promote/demote if I use S-<Option Key> <left/right> or C-<Option
> Key> <left/right>.
> ESC <left/right> runs promote/demote regardless of Option as Meta setting.
> <Option Key>-<left/right> runs M-b/f regardless of Option as Meta setting.
> Running C-h k <some key combo involving Option> shows that the Terminal
> doesn't see Option as Meta in the way I would expect.
> So, if there is a problem on my setup it lies in the Terminal.app or some
> plist that governs it.
> HTH,
> Chuck



Tim Cross

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