On Wed, 7 Jun 2017, Eric S Fraga wrote:

Hello all,

I have a document with this (ECM) structure:

#+begin_src org
 ,#+macro: item I{{{n(i)}}}@@latex:}%@@
 ,#+options: toc:nil num:nil

 ,* {{{item()}}} Some topic
 ,* {{{item()}}} Another topic                                  :noexport:
 ,* {{{item()}}} A final one

I would like the exported headings to be numbered Q1, Q2, ... but only
the exported ones.

Maybe implement somethng like this:

#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
  (defun n-noexport (x y)
    (let ((tags (nth 5 (org-heading-components))))
      (unless (and tags
                   (string-match ":noexport:" tags))
        (org-macro--counter-increment x y))))

#+MACRO: n2 (eval (n-noexport "$1" "$2"))

* heading 1


* heading 2                                                :noexport:notever:


* heading 3



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