I defined a new org-publish-project-alist property: :body-only, the
functionality was already in Org.

,----[ example ]
|        '("test" . (:base-directory "/tmp/"
|                    :base-extension "org"
|                    :publishing-directory "/tmp/1/"
|                    :body-only t ;; <----
|                    ))

Excerpt from the patch:

| When :body-only is set to t, don't produce the file header and footer,
| simply publish the content of <body>...</body>, without even the body
| tags themselves.

Carsten, please include this if you think it's ok.

--- org-publish.el	2009-02-10 20:23:13.000000000 +0100
+++ /home/ignotus/.elisp/org/lisp/org-publish.el	2009-02-12 16:24:20.000000000 +0100
@@ -222,6 +222,10 @@
   :completion-function    Function to be called after publishing
                           this project.
+When :body-only is set to t, don't produce the file header and footer,
+simply publish the content of <body>...</body>, without even the body
+tags themselves.
 Some properties control details of the Org publishing process,
 and are equivalent to the corresponding user variables listed in
 the right column.  See the documentation for those variables to
@@ -501,7 +507,8 @@
 	(setq export-buf-or-file
 	      (funcall (intern (concat "org-export-as-" format))
 		       (plist-get plist :headline-levels)
-		       nil plist nil nil pub-dir))
+		       nil plist nil (plist-get plist :body-only)
+                       pub-dir))
 	(when (and (bufferp export-buf-or-file)
 		   (buffer-live-p export-buf-or-file))
 	  (set-buffer export-buf-or-file)
Udv, Richard
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