David Bremner <brem...@unb.ca> writes:

> I would like an agenda view that summaries the time for various
> projects for the current week.  Something like a clocktable block, but
> that is dynamic (i.e. doesn't need a new file created) and allows
> navigation to the corresponding projects/files.  I tried clocksum, but
> it gives the total times, which is not what I want.
> Is clocksum property configurable somehow? I see org-clock-sum takes a
> start and end time, but I'm not sure how to use that.

Try 'R' in the agenda.  It shows a clock report based on the current
agenda view (timeframe)

I use the following cusomization to change the default display

(setq org-agenda-clockreport-parameter-plist (quote (:link nil :maxlevel 3)))

You'll want :link t to allow navigation from the resulting report.


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