Hi Tom,

thanks, this patch seems to fix at least the problem I was having.

I see that you now require 'cl also during runtime, which is
probably (?) because you are also calling some functions,
not only macros?

If we decide to move org-choose into the Org core at some point,
then we would have to change this, because Emacs rules require
that cl is only required during compilation.

I think that is a pity because it is *so* useful, but
there you go.

So, maybe at some point you might want to replace the cl functions
with other code.

On Feb 13, 2009, at 8:34 PM, Tom Breton (Tehom) wrote:

That just might be it!  I have changed it to org-split-string.  A
patch is attached.

I can't detect any difference - all tests pass either way - so I hope
you will tell me whether it works now.

It does!  And I like it, I am already using it.  Also, because it opens
the possibility to think of more nice things to do with TODO keywords.

Thank you.  And thank you for your patience with this.

Of course!  Thank you for your contributions!

- Carsten

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