Dear Adam,

>>>>> "Adam" == Adam Porter <> writes:

    Adam> Colin Baxter <> writes: Hi Colin,

    >> You can also launch conkeror using palemoon, and this looks like
    >> the future.

    Adam> Thanks, I have heard of conkeror but never got around to
    Adam> trying it.  I'm not sure what you mean about launching it from
    Adam> palemoon though.  Why would you do that?

Conkeror is "just" a bunch of javascripts. You need a runtime
environment, like Gecko or XULRunner, to launch it. As we know, Mozilla is no
longer actively developing XULRunner. One option is to use Gecko or Goanna
(or XULRunner) in palemoon and launch conkeror by means of the app
switch, as in

palemoon --app /path/to/conkeror/application.ini "$@" 


Best wishes,

Colin Baxter
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