Bastien writes on Mon  3 Jul 2017 07:09:

 > writes:
 > > I want my *Org Agenda* buffer to be open at all times, but I still
 > > want to be able to (say) match as many different tags as desired.
 > >
 > > Googling and searching the archives suggested 2 possible ways: (1)
 > > use of sticky agenda views and (2) use 'M-x rename-uniquely'.

 > "Sticky" agenda buffers means that agenda buffers won't be recreated
 > each time you call M-x org-agenda.  I'm not sure this is exactly what
 > you mean by "my *Org Agenda* buffer to be open at all times", is it?
 > Also I'm not sure what is the exact error you are pointing to: can
 > you restate it by saying what you expected from what action, and what
 > you got instead?

Hi Bastien, and thank you very much for the feedback.  I am sorry for
the delay in replying.

I now try to explain myself more clearly.

Say I have emacs open, with a single frame.  If I do

M-x org-agenda a

I see what I call my "agenda" (not sure this is the proper
terminology), in what I assumed was called an "*Org Agenda* buffer" --
I realize now how confusing this could have been, because it seems
that all buffers obtained from some 'M-x org-agenda' command are named

If I now do

M-x make-frame

I get a 2nd frame.  I would like to be able to work with that 2nd
frame without modifying the content of the 1st frame.  This is what I
meant by "my *Org Agenda* buffer to be open at all times" (in the 1st
frame in this example).

But if, in the 2nd frame, I do

M-x org-agenda m tag1

the contents of *both* the 1st and 2nd frames are modified
accordingly.  I understand this to be normal, but this is not what I
want, because my agenda is no longer showing in the 1st frame.

I was assuming sticky agendas would produce the behavior I wish, so
(starting fresh), I try

M-x org-agenda * a


M-x make-frame

and, in the 2nd, newly created, frame:

M-x org-agenda m tag1

So far, the behavior is as I expect: my agenda is still in the 1st
frame while, in the 2nd one, I have the *Org Agenda(m)* buffer, which
I can use as expected (typically, put the cursor on some line, press
<TAB>, etc.).  It is from this point that it appears to me to go
wrong; specifically, if I try to do, still in the 2nd frame:

M-x org-agenda m tag2

then, as soon as the 'm' is typed, the following message appears in
the minibuffer: "Sticky Agenda buffer, use `r' to refresh".  But
typing 'r' does not do any good.

The behavior that I expect is (1) to not see the above mentioned
message in the minibuffer, (2) to be able to finish typing 'M-x
org-agenda m tag2', (3) have the *Org Agenda(m)* buffer relevant to

In fact, I made progress since my initial email:  I had never paid
attention to the following message, which appear after the first tag

Press `C-u r' to search again with new search string

I had ignored it because for me it is more convenient to always use
the same key combination for a given operation (in this case 'C-c a m'
for a tag search).

If I do use 'C-u r', then I can indeed perform another tag search (and
others afterward), and I can say that the use of a sticky agenda does
solve my initial problem!

The somehow funny thing is that after this 'C-u r', I can again use
'M-x org-agenda m some_tag'.  In fact I cannot use 'M-x org-agenda m
some_tag' twice in a row: I have to intermingle it with at least one
instance of 'C-u r some_tag'.

So I could reformulate my initial email by saying that tag search does
not behave the same way whether the agenda is sticky or not: with a
non sticky agenda, one may always use 'M-x org-agenda m some_tag' for
a tag search whereas this is not possible with a sticky agenda.

I hope I could make myself clear this time.

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