The new approach to table alignment, that will be in 9.2, is there now if you compile from source, which I did. etc/ORG-NEWS says

** Incompatible changes
*** =align= STARTUP value no longer narrow table columns

Columns narrowing (or shrinking) is now dynamic. See [[*Dynamically
narrow table columns]] for details. In particular, it is decoupled from

I can't find the "Dynamically narrow table columns" documentation, though. Where is it?

My main question is: Is it now necessary to use C-c ` to edit a cell in a table? Moving the point around skips from cell to cell without letting me edit it. I hope this isn't permanent. :(

William Denton :: Toronto, Canada   ---   Listening to Art:         ---   GHG.EARTH:
Caveat lector.                      ---   STAPLR:

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