I'm using org-class to schedule my classes, and the entries are structured as 

%%(org-class 2017 9 4 2017 12 04 2 ) 04:00pm-06:50pm Class: CRWR 1240, Cedar 
%%(org-class 2017 9 5 2017 12 04 2 ) 10:00am-12:50pm Class: CRWR 2900
%%(org-class 2017 9 5 2017 12 04 1 41 46) 4:00pm-6:50pm Class: CRWR 4130

In the main agenda view, the entries display correctly:

Week-agenda (W37):
Monday     11 September 2017 W37
  kpu:        16:00-18:50 Class: CRWR 4130
Tuesday    12 September 2017
  kpu:        10:00-12:50 Class: CRWR 2900
  kpu:        16:00-18:50 Class: CRWR 1240, Cedar 1060

However, when I show the timeline for the buffer for these entries,
they do not display correctly:

Timeline of file /home/ross/org/kpu.org
Monday     11 September 2017 W37
  4:00pm-6:50pm Class: CRWR 4130                                                

[... 4 empty days omitted]

These omissions do not follow any obvious pattern. There should be 3
class entries each week (as in the agenda view), but in the timeline
view there are a total of three entries for the entire semester: CRWR
4130 is shown twice (on September 11 and 25), and CRWR 2900 and 1240
are shown only once in the entire semester (both on November 21).

Because of this strange pattern, I'm not even sure where to start in
figuring this out. Feedback most welcome.



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