Allen Li <> writes:

> On Wed, Oct 11, 2017 at 11:53 AM, Johann Höchtl
> <> wrote:
>> According to the documentation, the keys M-S-up should invoke
>> org-move-subtree-up, and M-S-down the command  org-move-subtree-down but
>> instead org-shiftmetaup or org-shiftmetadown gets executed (I am on a
>> headline and I expect the current tree to get swaped with the preceeding
>> in case of M-S-up, instead the line gets moved one up)
> It looks like the docs are wrong. M-up/down is
> org-move-subtree-up/down and M-S-up/down is org-shiftmetaup/down.

Thanks Johann and Allen.  Corrected in 8c44a3f23.


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