I recognize this is more a git question that org-mode, but...

I'm trying to use git to keep my org-mode version up to date on my personal and
work laptops.

The only problem is that my work laptop has a firewall on it which does not
allow git traffic to pass.

I use a repo on a usb drive to keep my emacs init files in sync, but have
absolutely no idea how to do this for my org-mode files. In essence, I'm trying
to first pull changes from //repo.or.cz to my laptop, and then either have a
second repo on the usb drive which I can pull changes onto, or pull from the
laptop to the usb.

Then I have to somehow get the work laptop to pull changes from the usb.

Am I asking for too much here? I want to avoid all the downloading and unzipping
where possible.


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