Hi again, i posted a separate issue on multiple code blocks in babel
creating 1 config but then realized this actually is very appropriate for
this thread...apologize for that.

@Kaushal, the method you suggested works really well for 1 code block=1
config file. but what happens when my config file is made out of 1 few
babel code blocks that i tangle together into 1 config file. for example:

 * tmux conf
 :header-args: :noweb yes  :tangle /zeltak@

***** Mouse
      :ID:       ba8ce7aa-2b3b-43be-816d-ea2ab515a999
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
#-------------->  mouse
setw -g mouse on
set-option -g status-keys vi

***** Theme and look
      :ID:       85257f51-1306-4caf-a055-a6df3afac1a5
#+BEGIN_SRC conf
#--------------> THEME AND LOOK
#default theme picker
source /home/zeltak/.tmux/neonB
#source /home/zeltak/.tmux/solarized-dark

how do i add a name (#+NAME) argument that covers all the sub headers that
will make '.tmux.conf'.
and then using noweb how does one reffer to that name <<tmux.conf>> that
will cover all the tiny blocks that create the tmux.conf?



On Thu, Nov 23, 2017 at 8:16 AM, Xebar Saram <zelt...@gmail.com> wrote:

> thx!
> that works well for me :D
> best and happy holidays :)
> Z
> On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 1:40 PM, Kaushal Modi <kaushal.m...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Wed, Nov 22, 2017, 4:55 AM Xebar Saram <zelt...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi alll
>> Hello
>> Im looking for a way to to mirror/auto populate a section of text in
>>> another location in the same org buffer and/or other org file.
>>> for example, i manage my config files in org mode for multiple machines.
>>> i want to have a section like this
>>> #+BEGIN_SRC conf :mkdirp yes :tangle ~/machine A
>>> CODE
>>> #+END_SRC
>>> where the same content of CODE is mirroed/auto generated in another code
>>> block for machine B
>>> #+BEGIN_SRC conf :mkdirp yes :tangle ~/machine B
>>> CODE
>>> #+END_SRC
>>> is this in anyway possible?
>> You cannot have real-time mirroring of content in the Org file itself.
>> But you can implement that DRY model by using Noweb references (See the
>> "Noweb reference syntax" node in the Org manual).
>> You can put the CODE in a separate src block with :noweb-ref set to foo,
>> and then wherever in other code blocks you want to mirror that, you simply
>> put <<foo>>.
>> As I said you won't see the mirroring happen live in the Org buffer. But
>> you will see the mirroring done in the exported files.
>> PS: For non-code mirroring (in exported files), there's also do:
>>   #+INCLUDE: "./can-be-same-file.org::#CUSTOM_ID" :only-contents t
>> (See the "Include files" node in the Org manual for more.)
>> --
>> Kaushal Modi

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