On Fri, Dec 1, 2017 at 2:40 AM, Tim O'Callaghan
<tim.ocallag...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Also, are other people using Unicode, and if so, how? especially with 
> visually consistent tables,

For some characters you can handle it by using
[[http://orgmode.org/manual/Special-symbols.html][Special symbols]] in
the tables
for example this lines up correctly:

| hi | there | a | b | c |
| \laquo{}  | \raquo{}     | \pi{} | \check{} |   |

[[http://orgmode.org/worg/org-symbols.html][Here]] are the symbols.

You can also list them by calling `org-entities-help'.

> does anyone have a a good mono-spaced to recommend?


With Symbola as a fallback:

(set-fontset-font "fontset-default" nil
                  (font-spec :size 20 :name "Symbola"))

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