On 12/05/2017 at 13:30 Rasmus writes:

> myg...@gmail.com writes:
>> On 12/01/2017 at 18:19 Adonay Felipe Nogueira writes:
>>> The best approach for me is also to use something such as org-publish,
>>> and a simple static site server such as GNU Serveez.
>> Have you used org-publish in earnest?  I settled on the approach used in
>> https://github.com/myglc2/emacsite only after trying out org-publish
>> extensively.  I needed source and generated content to sit together in
>> the working tree of complex multi-level reproducible research projects
>> and to be transparently revision controlled and hosted on the
>> organization's Github Entreprise server.
> I am happy that you found a method that works for you.
> As a contrasting point, I don’t see why you couldn’t do that with
> ox-publish.el in addition to maybe Make.
> Based on your description, I’d copy source files using
> org-publish-attachment to a publish dir and compiled files to the same dir
> via different projects in org-publish-project-alist.

Yes, this works and I this before switching to the emacsite approach.


> If you have any suggestions on how to improve ox-publish to better suit
> please share them.

Does org-publish now support making the publishing directory coincide
with the project directory? If not, this is the suggestion.

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