​Hi Karl,​

This is because I removed the wrong progress indicator from my
> examples before posting. You have to change all "[0/2]" with "[%]"
> and then you see the issue I described. It seems to be the case that
> [/] do work whereas [%] do cause the described malfunctional
> behaviour. I was using both and did remove the wrong one.

​I have found the issue, but haven't had time to patch it. It actually does
happen with both [%] and [/].

org-todo is using a point to pass the beginning of the heading to
org-depend instead of a marker. As such, when characters are added to the
statistics in the parent heading the point shifts up to the line above the
heading and when (org-entry-get pos "TRIGGER") runs it searches the heading
above it, which is why the trigger works correctly if you populate the
parent heading property.

change-plist looks llike it is used in a few other functions as well. I'll
have to see if using a marker breaks them.



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