On Wed, Nov 8, 2017 at 9:08 AM, Bastien Guerry <b...@gnu.org> wrote:

> Hi Kaushal,
> Kaushal Modi <kaushal.m...@gmail.com> writes:
> > I am suggesting to have a minor mode that simply binds "<" to do the
> > template insertion (only when that is typed at BOL with optional
> > leading whitespace, or if a region is selected).
> I think this is a great suggestion and brings the best of both the new
> and the old system.
> I cannot test this myself until this week-end, but I'd happy too then.

I guess I missed this ocnversation while I was busy wiht other stuff  --
the old easy templating has been removed? I am certainly very sorry to see
it go, esp. as I have found yasnippet to work only intermittently in
org-mode buffers (at least for me).   I see Kaushal has added it back in
his config files, but if someone has a slightly less specialized solution
for restoring it I would love to see it.

I see Nicolas's point that this functionality exists elsewhere, but maybe
someone can point to a ready-made replacement for those of us who rely on
<s, etc., as part of our daily workflow?

Thanks everyone!

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