
I don't have an ideal org-mode solution for this problem. I suggesting
two ways hoping that more improvements will come

> Here is an example. The NA in column a shows up in the results as
> nil. Why does that happen? Is there a way of changing this behaviour?
> I can manually replace NA with something else, but doing that in each
> code block is a pain. Since I wrote my first mail, I have written an
> export filter that filters out each “nil” at the time of export and
> replaces it with a “---“. But that is not perhaps the most efficient
> way of doing it.
> Warmly,
> Vikas
> -----------
> #+NAME: test
> #+BEGIN_SRC R :results value :exports results :colnames yes :hline yes
> data.frame(a=c(1,2,NA),b=c("john","dan","marco"))
> #+RESULTS: test
> |   a | b     |
> |-----+-------|
> |   1 | john  |
> |   2 | dan   |
> | nil | marco |

## Some suggestions

### Solution 1

You could use an elisp function to clear the nil. It is not automatic
and you would have to write a formula for every column but it might
still be better changing them manually.

I don't know how to implement it automatically though. 

(defun removenil (x)
(replace-regexp-in-string "nil" "" x))

#+NAME: test
#+BEGIN_SRC R :results value  :exports results :colnames yes :hline yes :dir 
/tmp  :session R-test1

#+RESULTS: test
| a | b     |
| 1 | john  |
| 2 | dan   |
|   | marco |
#+TBLFM: $1='(removenil $1);

### Solution 2

You could easily replace the NA in R before output. For instance

#+NAME: test2
#+BEGIN_SRC R :results value  :exports results :colnames yes :hline yes :dir 
/tmp  :session R-test1
NA_rep <- function(dt,rep="") {
dt[is.na(dt)] <- rep

#+RESULTS: test2
| a | b     |
| 1 | john  |
| 2 | dan   |
|   | marco |

Best regards,


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