On 2018-04-13, at 15:14, Matt Price <mopto...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi eveyrone,
> I'm using markdown more and more in collaborative projects (sigh). I am
> getting used to the syntax but it drives me crazy not to be able to edit
> document structure with commands like C-return,, M-return, etc.  Does
> anyone have a solution for this that works with recent versions of org? I'm
> not up to date on the current status of various projects to extend org
> bindings outside of org.

Just wondering whether the lentic mode
(https://github.com/phillord/lentic) with an org->md transformation
could help.  (I haven't yet used lentic, so I might be competely wrong.)

I'm CC'ing Phillip, who is the right person to comment on this idea.


Marcin Borkowski

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