
> I would like to rewrite my website using Orgmode (till now I used
> Jekyll). It would be nice if you could help me with following questions:

Org-mode is not really a website-publishing tool like Jekyll, although it can 
be part of the chain. Org-mode at its core is a markup language, although with 
considerable tooling support from org-mode and related tools in Emacs.

Org-mode would be equivalent to Markdown in this respect. You still need to use 
a tool to generate/publish your website.

My current favorite is Hugo (http://gohugo.io/ <http://gohugo.io/>) which, just 
like Jekyll, generated a static website, but has a lot of very nice features.

So, the first step would be to migrate your website from Jekyll to Hugo 
<https://gohugo.io/tools/migrations/#jekyll>), including built-in support in 
Hugo (https://gohugo.io/commands/hugo_import_jekyll/ 
<https://gohugo.io/commands/hugo_import_jekyll/>). At this point, your posts 
would still be in Markdown format, but once in Hugo, you can start moving them 
over to org-mode. My recommendation would be to use the excellent ox-hugo 
(https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/ <https://ox-hugo.scripter.co/>), which allows you 
to keep your source files in org-mode but generate proper Markdown files for 

My answers below assume the above.

> 1. could somebody, please, point me to a tutorial on how to create a
> multilingual site? Like the orgmode.org with EN:FR:JA. Ideally it would
> be if one would have page-aware language switch, i.e. if one is on the
> page orgmode.org/fr/features.html and clicks JA he will be redirected to
> orgmode.org/ja/features.html (and not .../ja/index.html as it is now)…

Hugo has built-in support for multilingual sites: 
<https://gohugo.io/content-management/multilingual/> - I’ve never used it so I 
don’t know how well it works.

> 2. how can one create "prettified" links, i.e. /features/ instead
> of /features.html ? Basically during the website generation for the file
> features.org a directory `features` needs to be created and the html
> file placed into `features/index.html` ... Is there a tutorial on how to
> do that?

Hugo does this by default, but has a lot of options for how URLs are generated: 

> 3. is there a free modern "corporate" style theme for org-mode?

Org-mode doesn’t have themes, but Hugo does: https://themes.gohugo.io/ 

I hope this helps. Feel free to look at the source for my website 
(http://zzamboni.org/ <http://zzamboni.org/>) for inspiration: 
<https://github.com/zzamboni/zzamboni.org>. I only recently started migration 
to org-mode/ox-hugo. You can find all my old posts at 
<https://github.com/zzamboni/zzamboni.org/tree/master/content>, and the newer 
ones, generated from an org-mode file, at 


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