> On May 1, 2018, at 9:29 AM, Russell Adams <rlad...@adamsinfoserv.com> wrote:
> Seems like this recently broke.
> Here's an example:
> #+begin_src sh :results latex :exports results
>    echo '\begin{lstlisting}'
>    echo 'latex test should not be table'
>    echo '\end{lstlisting}'
> #+end_src
> #+BEGIN_EXPORT latex
> | \begin{lstlisting} |      |        |     |    |       |
> | latex              | test | should | not | be | table |
> | \end{lstlisting}   |      |        |     |    |       |
> The expected result is:
> \begin{lstlisting}
> latex test should not be table
> \end{lstlisting}
> I use shell commands to output listings of source files with custom 
> formatting,
> and highlight source code segments instead of entire files for review.
> Any suggestions how I can prevent the automatic tabling of output?

On my system, this works (note the double backslash in the first line)

#+begin_src sh :exports results :results raw :wrap export latex
    echo '\\begin{lstlisting}'
    echo 'latex test should not be table'
    echo '\end{lstlisting}'

Note that in Version 9.0 the syntax for export blocks changed (see ORG-NEWS) as 
the first #+RESULTS has it.



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