Bumping this question to see if anyone has a workaround -
I recently have been wishing to search for keywords and order
the results in reverse timestamp order.

This sounds like a fairly useful and common feature, so I think
there must be something I'm configuring incorrectly.  I am able
to reproduce the problem using a fairly clean Emacs install (a
VM with no customizations).


On Wed, May 30, 2018 at 4:57 PM, Nathan Neff <nathan.n...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I'm using org-mode version 9.1.13 from elpa, and
> have a custom agenda command:
> (setq org-agenda-custom-commands
>    '(
>      ("z" search ""
>        ((org-agenda-sorting-strategy '(timestamp-up))))))
> And I have an org-file with this data:
> * TODO [#C] Test1
> :foo:
> <2018-04-24 Tue 19:30>
> * TODO [#A] Test2
> :foo:
> <2018-05-24 Thu 19:30>
> * TODO [#B] Test3
> :foo:
> <2017-12-24 Sun 23:33>
> The data is not sorted according to timestamp.  I cannot seem to
> get the data sorted in any fashion when using the "search" agenda mode.
> However, if I change "search" to "tags" and search for the "foo" tag, then
> it appears that the sorting works.  I've tested it with priority and
> timestamp
> using the above data and it sorts the items correctly.
> Why is my "search" agenda command ignoring the org-agenda-sorting-strategy?
> Thanks,
> --Nate

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