On 2018-06-11, at 21:06, Nick Dokos <ndo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Marcin Borkowski <mb...@mbork.pl> writes:
>> Hi all,
>> so out of nowhere my org agenda started behaving in a strange way.  It
>> seems not to respect my TODO-keywords settings:
>> (setq org-todo-keywords
>>       '((sequence "TODO(t!)" "DONE(d!)")
>>      (sequence "SOMEDAY(s!)")
>>      (sequence "CANCELLED(c@)")
>>      (sequence "WAIT(w!)" "|")))
>> i.e., it now shows all the "CANCELLED" items as if "CANCELLED" was not
>> a todo keyword at all.  When I visit the offending file and issue M-x
>> normal-mode, everything is back to normal again.
> What does C-h v org-todo-keywords RET say when you see the problem? Is
> it possible that there is a local variable shadowing the global setting?

Thanks, but I found the culprit.  I was visiting my Org files (in my
init.el, I have e.g. this: (org-agenda-prepare-buffers
(org-agenda-files))) _before_ setting org-todo-keywords...  Stupid
mistake, sorry for the noise.


Marcin Borkowski

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