> Uwe Brauer <o...@mat.ucm.es> writes:

   > When I hit C-c ' in this table

   > #+TBLNAME: stat-final2
   > |    | Frequency |

   > |----+-----------|
   > | SS |           |
   > | AP |         5 |
   > | NT |         3 |
   > | SB |    #ERROR |
   > | MH |         2 |
   > | NP |         3 |

   > I get a new window with this in it:

   > # Field and Range Formulas
   > @>$2 = '(length (org-lookup-all "NP" '(remote(data,@2$2..@>I$2)) nil))
   > nil))
   > nil))
   > nil))

   > and I can edit individual lines and then C-c C-c or C-c ' again to exit
   > and rebuild the formula line on the table.

Not for me, that is strange. Here is the screenshot I obtain (running
git master emacs from May and org git master form last July, so maybe
this feature is missing?)

Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME cryptographic signature

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