Thanks for sharing


From: Kaushal Modi []
Sent: 18. september 2018 20:25
To: Martin Dalgaard Villumsen <>
Cc: emacs-org list <>
Subject: Re: [O] Table column width and HTML export

On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 7:35 AM Martin Dalgaard Villumsen 
<<>> wrote:
> How do you in org-mode override/identify the column-class for a single column 
> when you have multiple columns of the same type in the same table?

As I said, you can do everything using CSS and the existing ox-html version.

Here's an example:

#+title: Specify widths different for different table columns in HTML export
#+author: Kaushal Modi

#+begin_export html
/* First column */ td:first-child {
  width: 200px;
/* Second column */ td:nth-child(2) {
  width: auto;
/* Last column */ td:last-child {
  width: 400px;

The column widths in below table will stay at default.

| Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 |
| abc      | def      | ghi      |
| jkl      | mno      | pqr      |
| stu      | vwx      | yz       |

Below, the left-most column will be 200px wide and the right-most will
be 400px wide. The center column will stay at default width.

#+attr_html: :class foo
| Header 1 | Header 2 | Header 3 |
| abc      | def      | ghi      |
| jkl      | mno      | pqr      |
| stu      | vwx      | yz       |
* CSS References
 -- /element+element/ selector]]
 -- ~:first-child~]]
 -- ~:last-child~]]
 -- ~:nth-child()~]]
 -- ~:nth-last-child()~]]

Screenshot (see below/attached):


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