Sébastien Vauban <zthjwsqqa...@spammotel.com> writes:

> Hello,
> I'd like to use Org exclusively for composing and then publishing my Web site.
> I've done it so far with Emacs Muse, but I have a strong deepish attraction to
> go the Org way, for many different reasons you must be aware of -- more than I
> am...
> The features I need are:
> - Conditional CSS [if IE]
> - Favicon

Both can be achieved through the


options. Multiple lines possible. Those lines are added to the `<head>'
section of the resulting documents.

Also, you might take a look into the documentation for
org-publish-project-alist in

> - JavaScript for Google Analytics
> - Date in the copyright
> - Contextual navigation menu


  your menu here



  your analytics script here




> I'll come back into more details to these.
> All of these were coded in the header or footer of each page with Muse. What
> was good, is that I could write:
> (setq muse-project-alist
>       `(
>         ("My-Muse-Public-Website"
>          ("~/Public/Websites/Muse/source/" :default "index")
>          (:base "xhtml"
>                 :path   "~/Public/Websites/Muse/publish/"
>                 :header "~/Public/Websites/Muse/source/header.html"
>                 :footer "~/Public/Websites/Muse/source/footer.html"))))
> Hence, specifying file names instead of file contents for both the header and
> footer. This is good, as I don't have to change my .emacs file every time I
> wanna change the way my pages have to look like. Such a feature would be nice
> for Org as well. Is it scheduled?  Can we achieve the same result otherwise?
> Regarding the above features:
> - Conditional CSS [if IE]
>   Can be coded in the common header string. OK.
> - Favicon
>   Can be coded in the common header string -- if it's a common one for all my
>   Web site. How can we specify on a per page basis?  This more or less comes
>   down to the recent addition of the `keywords' and `description' meta tags
>   (thanks Carsten).
> - JavaScript for Google Analytics
>   Can be coded in the common header string. OK.
> - Date in the copyright
>   Can be coded in the common footer string. Well, it would be nice if it could
>   be computed somehow, and be for example (depending of user prefs) the date
>   when the file (or page) has been changed.
>   Hence, it's not specifically a data that's common to every page of my Web
>   site. How can we do this?
>   This is what I did with Emacs Muse, embedding Emacs Lisp in the footer:
>   Last Updated:
>       <lisp>
>           (format-time-string muse-footer-date-format
>                               (nth 5 (file-attributes (muse-current-file))))
>       </lisp>
>   but I think this is not currently possible with Org, right?  Is there some
>   other solution?
> - Contextual navigation menu
>   Finally, the only real problem that I see (the above being nice-to-have's)
>   is the following: I want to have a common navigation menu, but whose current
>   page is highlighted. To do so, I just have to add the class `current' to
>   the current entry, but this means the navigation menu is not constant
>   between pages!
>   I did that with Muse doing so:
>   (setq nav-menu '((\"Home\" .            \"index.html\")
>                    (\"About Me\" .        ( (\"CV\"             . 
> \"curriculum-vitae.html\")
>                                           (\"PGP Public Key\" . 
> \"pgp-public-key.html\")
>                                           (\"Contact Me\"     . 
> \"contact-me.html\")))
>                    (\"Resources\" .       ( (\"Ubuntu\"         . 
> \"ubuntu.html\")
>                                           (\"Emacs\"          . 
> \"dot-emacs.html\")))))
>   and in the footer file:
>             <div id=\"navigation\">
>                 <h2>Navigation</h2>
>                 <lisp>(my-muse-generate-nav-menu)</lisp>
>             </div>
>   with the following (ugly -- caus' it should be written in a recursive way!)
>   definition for `my-muse-generate-nav-menu':
>         (defun my-muse-generate-nav-menu ()
>           (let* ((html-menu "")
>                  (cur-path-muse (muse-current-file))
>                  (cur-path-html
>                   (replace-regexp-in-string "\\.muse" ".html" cur-path-muse)))
>             (setq html-menu "<ul>\n")
>             (while nav-menu
>               (progn
>                 (if (not (listp (cdr (car nav-menu))))
>                     (setq html-menu
>                           (concat html-menu
>                                   "<li><a href=\"" (cdr (car nav-menu))
>                                   "\" title=\"" (caar nav-menu) "\""
>                                   (if (string-match
>                                        (concat ".*" (cdr (car nav-menu)) "$")
>                                        cur-path-html)
>                                       " class=\"current\""
>                                     "")
>                                   ">" (caar nav-menu) "</a></li>\n"))
>                   (progn
>                     (setq html-menu
>                           (concat html-menu
>                                   "<li>" (caar nav-menu) "\n" "<ul>\n"))
>                     (setq nav-submenu (cdr (car nav-menu)))
>                     (while nav-submenu
>                       (setq html-menu
>                             (concat html-menu
>                                     "<li><a href=\"" (cdr (car nav-submenu))
>                                     "\" title=\"" (caar nav-submenu) "\""
>                                     (if (string-match
>                                          (concat ".*" (cdr (car nav-submenu)) 
> "$")
>                                          cur-path-html)
>                                         " class=\"current\""
>                                       "")
>                                     ">" (caar nav-submenu) "</a></li>\n"))
>                       (setq nav-submenu (cdr nav-submenu)))
>                     (setq html-menu (concat html-menu "</ul>\n</li>\n"))))
>                 (setq nav-menu (cdr nav-menu))))
>             (setq html-menu (concat html-menu "</ul>"))
>             html-menu))
>   How can I do such a thing in Org?
> THANK YOU VERY MUCH for all the hints or help you can provide me with!
> I really want to go the Org way for all my composed stuff...
> Best regards,
>   Seb

Sebastian Rose, EMMA STIL - mediendesign, Niemeyerstr.6, 30449 Hannover
Tel.:  +49 (0)511 - 36 58 472
Fax:   +49 (0)1805 - 233633 - 11044
mobil: +49 (0)173 - 83 93 417
Email: s.r...@emma-stil.de, sebastian_r...@gmx.de
Http:  www.emma-stil.de

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