
I use the following configuration:

    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; parenthèses, accolades et brackets ;;;;;;
    (setq skeleton-pair t)
    (global-set-key "[" 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe)
    (global-set-key "{" 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe)
    (global-set-key "(" 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe)
    (global-set-key "\"" 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe)
    (global-set-key "'" 'skeleton-pair-insert-maybe)

This will only close the defined characters.

Hope this will help.


Matt Price writes:

> wow, I learned a whole lot from your answer Nicholas, but still not quite
> enough to make this work for me.  After some puzzling over the syntax for
> character values, I believe that what I want should be something like this:
> (add-function :before-until electric-pair-inhibit-predicate
>               (lambda (c)
>                 (and (eq ?\[ c)
>                      (eq major-mode 'org-mode)
>                      (memq (char-before (1- (point))) '(?\[ ?\])))))
> The manual says to use advice-add instead of add-function for these cases,
> so this could be written like this instead:
> (defun mwp-org-mode-electric-inhibit (c)
>   (and
>    (eq ?\[ c)
>    (eq major-mode 'org-mode)
>    (memq (char-before (1- (point))) '(?\[ ?\]) )))
> (advice-add electric-pair-inhibit-predicate :before-until
> #'mwp-org-mode-electric-inhibit)
> it seems to sort of work.  That is, the code is effective, but it doesn't
> do what I want, so I had to think about the desired behaviour, which is
> maybe too complex for this modification:
> when I start a link [
> go ahead and add pair to
> []
> when I add a second [, don't complete
> [[]
> this is what my code does!
> but what I really want is, when I finish adding a link reference, somehow
> allow me to stay inside the link to add the link text:
> [[https://google.com]] --> [[https://google.com][]]
> with point between the final [ and ].
> This seems like it needs a more complex intervention.
> For now I've just turned off pairing of brackets entirely:
> (defun mwp-org-mode-electric-inhibit (c)
>   (and
>    (eq ?\[ c)
>    (eq major-mode 'org-mode))
> This works fine, though I'd still like the other :-/
> Thanks Nicholas!
> On Sun, Oct 21, 2018 at 3:28 AM Nicolas Goaziou <m...@nicolasgoaziou.fr>
> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Matt Price <mopto...@gmail.com> writes:
>> > - electric-pair and autopair complete [[ immediately, and don't seem to
>> > allow me to skip past the closing brackets, so if I try to type [[
>> > https://link.to.somewhere][link text]] I end up with
>> > [[link.to.somewhere]][link-text] .
>> I use C-c C-l to insert links with description. However, electric
>> pairing does get in the way when writing sub/superscript. I use the
>> following snippet to work around the issue:
>>    (add-function :before-until electric-pair-inhibit-predicate
>>                  (lambda (c)
>>                    (and (eq ?\{ c)
>>                         (eq major-mode 'org-mode)
>>                         (memq (char-before (1- (point))) '(?_ ?^)))))
>> I guess you could do something similar to disable pairing when entering
>> a bracket link.
>> Regards,
>> --
>> Nicolas Goaziou

Luke, use the FOSS

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