On Tue, Oct 30, 2018 at 5:41 PM Tim Cross <theophil...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I've never delved into the XML nightmare that is ODT and stick with
> latex/PDF export.
> Here is how I handled needing to have a logo and banner at the top of my
> documents. Essentially, it involves using the Latex 'minipage'
> environment to setup the layout and the xcolor package to handle
> colours. Getting it working is somewhat trial and error, but once you
> have it, it is pretty much set and forget.
> The below is an early version. I later refined it and put it into my
> org-latex-classes variable, but removed it when I left the University
> for a new employer. It should be fairly straight-forward to adapt to a
> letter head. The only challenge will be if your Uni Marketing/PR are
> very rigid re: format. In particular, fonts can be a challenge if they
> have selected something unusual.

whew, OK, this is interesting. I guess you have written your own class
somewhere, is that right? And even though your header is defined in
latex_header it still somehow is included inside of \begin{document}?

... and if I turn this into an org latex class, then am I right that I an
simply set that latex_class header at the top of a document and all of this
will be handled for me autmagically on export? That would be fantastic.

Gonna follow up some more in response to ckelty, whose stuff I've been
working with thus far.

> #+DATE: \today
> #+SUBTITLE: IAM Use Case
> #+OPTIONS: ^:nil num:nil toc:nil tags:nil |:t
> #+LATEX_CLASS: une-article
> #+LATEX-OPTIONS: 12pt,a4paper
> #+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{xcolor}
> #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA: \definecolor{unegreen}{HTML}{7AB800}
> #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA: \definecolor{Black}{HTML}{000000}
> #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA: \definecolor{White}{HTML}{FFFFFF}
> #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA: \definecolor{dimgrey}{HTML}{696969}
> #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA: \makeatletter
> #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA: \def\@maketitle{
> #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA:  \noindent \begin{minipage}[c][4cm][t]{\linewidth}
> #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA:    \colorbox{Black}{%
> #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA:      \begin{minipage}[t][4cm][c]{4cm}
> #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA:      \flushleft
> #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA:      \includegraphics{~/Pictures/unelogo_medium.png}
> #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA:    \end{minipage}}
> #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA:    \colorbox{unegreen}{%
> #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA:      \begin{minipage}[t][4cm][c]{10cm}
> #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA:        \flushright
> #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA:        \Large \textbf{\color{White}{\@title}} \\
> #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA:         \vspace{4pt}
> #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA:        \small \color{White}{\@author} \\
> #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA:        \small \color{White}{\@date}
> #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA:      \end{minipage}}
> #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA:    \end{minipage}}
> #+LATEX_HEADER_EXTRA: \makeatother
> Jeff Filipovits <jrfilipov...@gmail.com> writes:
> > Would you mind sharing them? This is a problem I am trying to figure out
> as
> > well.
> >
> > On Tue, Oct 30, 2018, 9:29 AM Eric S Fraga <esfli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> Matt,
> >>
> >> I've replied directly to you with some files.
> >> --
> >> Eric S Fraga via Emacs 27.0.50, Org release_9.1.13-783-g97fac4
> >>
> >>
> --
> Tim Cross

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