
Omari Norman <om...@smileystation.com> writes:

> I am having a problem with group tags.  I reproduced it using the latest
> org-mode from the org package archive, 20181022.  The minimal example is
> this: say I have a group tag that looks like this:
> (setq org-tag-alist
>       '((:startgrouptag)
>       ("parentTag")
>       (:grouptags)
>       ("childTag1")
>       ("childTag2")
>       (:endgrouptag)))
> with a org-todo-keywords like so:
> (setq org-todo-keywords '((type "TODO" "NEXT" "|" "DONE" "CANCELLED")))
> And then an org file that looks like this:
> * Parent heading 1 :childTag1:
> ** NEXT child 1 of parent 1
> ** TODO child 2 of parent 1
> * Parent heading 2
> ** NEXT child 1 of parent 2
> ** TODO child 2 of parent 2
> Then when I hit C-c a M, I use this match string:
> parentTag&TODO="NEXT"|-parentTag&TODO="TODO"
> I would expect the resulting agenda to have exactly two items: "child 1 of
> parent 1", and "child 2 of parent 2".  However, I get three items: "child 1
> of parent 1", "child 2 of parent 1", and "child 2 of parent 2".  I don't
> understand why "child 2 of parent 1" is in there.
> This only arises when using the "|" operator.  That is, if I do an agenda
> with just
> parentTag&TODO="NEXT"
> then I get just "child 1 of parent 1", as expected.  If I do an agenda with
> -parentTag&TODO="TODO"
> then I get just "child 2 of parent 2", as expected.  But when I combine
> them with "|", I get three items.
> I also did some other tests showing that at least for me this problem
> arises only with group tags.  In particular, here if I do
> childTag1&TODO="NEXT"|-childTag1&TODO="TODO"
> I get just the two items I would expect.
> Is there a bug here?  Or am I doing something wrong?

It was a bug, now hopefully fixed. 

Thank you.


Nicolas Goaziou

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