
The following org file is exported correctly to latex.
| * Test of the bibliography
| \begin{equation}
| \label{eq:testbib:1}
| \int f dx =0 
| \end{equation}
| see
| citep:tao08:_global
| bibliographystyle:unsrt
| bibliography:/home/oub/texmf/bibtex/bib/bibgraf.bib

However I sometimes prefer 

| * Test of the bibliography
| #+BEGIN_src latex :results latex replace :exports results :eval t
| \begin{equation}
| \label{eq:testbib:1}
| \int f dx =0 
| \end{equation}
| see
| citep:tao08:_global
| #+END_src
| bibliographystyle:unsrt
| bibliography:/home/oub/texmf/bibtex/bib/bibgraf.bib

Because this way the fortification  for \begin{equation} is the same as
in my latex buffer (with auctex).

However, in this case the exportation to latex is only partially


Is *not* expanded.

Can this problem solved?


Uwe Brauer 

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