Hi Brad,

I am really happy that you showed us how to do this.  Like you,
when I work I am at my computer, so I don't need a fully mobile
side of Org.  But a capture path.  Using RSS like you demonstrate
means that we can use any kind of service that pushes to an RSS
feed - even if ReQall goes away at some point, there will be others.

This, for me, really was the missing piece.  It no longer is missing.


- Carsten

On Mar 22, 2009, at 11:38 AM, Brad Bozarth wrote:

Hi! I'm new to org-mode, but knew I had to use it when I combined a
desire to try GTD with my ctrl-s view of the world.

I'm ok with processing tethered to a computer, but wanted an easy way
to capture on the move, without adding anything to my pocket. A couple
days of hacking later (with some real *hacks*, but they work), and
I've got something I really like.

I can now, using either the iphone keyboard or my voice, quickly
capture something, and know that it will shortly be sitting as a TODO
under "iPhone inbox" in my gtd.org file that is git synchronized
between all my computers. I put it together with a cron'd shell
script, two awk scripts, and the free "Reqall" iPhone app. Could be
done more elegantly, but then I wouldn't be Getting (other) Things
Done :). I can share the hacks if anyone is interested.


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