I use it for dynamic folder sync, I can use it different machine, just
change the ~org-directory~ variable. I use this variable in many place
to concatenate a whole path.

Carlos Pita <carlosjosep...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hi all,
> I often wonder if the way org-directory is currently used has any
> sense or is just a historical artifact.
> I mean, when I list my refile targets and agenda files I have to
> specify full paths, which isn't very convenient. But if instead of a
> list I provide a file listing the paths, then the items in this list
> are taken to be relative to org-directory. Also, capture targets are
> relative to this variable. The result is a mix of relative and
> absolute paths in my init.el that makes me turn everything absolute in
> order to keep it sane.
> Why does it work that way? Is it because some paths are resolved
> relative to the current directory (unless they are configured as
> absolute paths) while others don't?
> Thanks!

[ stardiviner ]
       I try to make every word tell the meaning what I want to express.

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