Vladimir Lomov <v.p.lo...@yandex.ru> writes:

> Hello,
> ** stardiviner [2019-02-23 18:19:05 +0800]:
> [...]
>>>> I checked the =Resume.tex= file. The raw latex is this:
>>>> #+begin_src latex
>>>> \begin{center}
>>>> \includegraphics[width=2.0in]{data/images/me_picture 23.jpg}
>>>> \end{center}
>>>> #+end_src
>>>> No "23.bb", I search over the whole TeX file, nothing found. But the
>>>> compiled PDF file still have "23.bb".
>>> May be you find what '.bb' file is if you look into the 'graphics'
>>> package documentation (assuming that you use TeX Live run 'texdoc
>>> graphicx', in my local copy on page 13 there is example of .bb file,
>>> search the document for .ps.bb).
>>> As for spaces in file name, if you cannot avoid them use 'grffile'
>>> package with 'graphicx' package.
>> I have not found '.bb' files. Neither '.ps.bb' files. I checked out variable
>> ~org-latex-packages-alist~, it have 'grffile' and 'graphicx' packages.
>>> P.S. The question how the .bb file comes on scene completely related how
>>> LaTeX works with graphic file. Look into documentation or ask question
>>> on TeX.SO or on texhax mailing list.
> The LaTeX cannot work directly with graphic files. In past when only
> latex and dvips were existed a user was able to use only PS/EPS graphic
> files. latex can work with any graphic files using graphics/graphicx
> package. One of the purpose of the package is to provide to latex
> information about the size of a figure (Bounding Box) what is found in
> EPS file. Sometimes EPS files were gzipped but latex was unable on-fly
> decompress them and extract BB information. The workaround for this
> situation is to either provide bb keyword for '\includegraphics' command
> or create file with extension .eps.bb which will hold necessary
> information. Actual inclusion of graphic file was done by dvips program.
> Nowadays almost everyone uses pdflatex/xelatex/luatex engines. They use
> graphic files in format PDF (native), PNG, JPEG. In most situations the
> engine could determine the size of a figure but when it fails it will
> include the figure with wrong size.
> The problem that you faced is a bit another, while it is looked as being
> related to missing BB (bounding box): the latex engine don't like the
> space in file name. pdflatex engine being run in special mode don't stop
> on missing file but show you information about missing .bb file. A
> workaround to use graphic files with spaces in file name is to use
> package 'grffile'. Note, however, this workaround is only for graphic
> files and don't work to input other LaTeX files with spaces in they
> filenames into current one.

I see, thanks for explanation, now I understand why. using 'grffile' did fixed
this problem.

> ---
> WBR, Vladimir Lomov

[ stardiviner ]
       I try to make every word tell the meaning what I want to express.

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