For me, the following works. I use the use-package ELPA package to
manage all my packages.

1. Setrup package.el stuff (like the org repo) at the very start of my
2. Load org-plus-contrib before any other package
3. Load other things (like helm, yasnippets, etc).

When I do a package upgrade, if the list of packages to be upgraded
includes org, restart emacs and then do the upgrade before doing
anything else (including opening any org files or agenda etc).

If things don't work well, delete the org-plus-contrib and re-start. As
I use use-package, it will automatically re-install org-plus-contrib for


zimoun <> writes:

> Dear Tim Cross,
> I am referring to this message:
> and because I did not subscribe to the mailing list, a- I miss your
> reply and b- I am not able to directly answer to thread.
> Well, thank you for your explanations.
> I think the culprit of my configuration is Helm, for the very reason
> you explained: it loads indirectly some Org, I guess.
> Now, I still do not have a clean workaround but al least I know the reason. 
> :-)
> Thank you again.
> All the best
> simon

Tim Cross

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