
Eric S Fraga <esfli...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hello,
> motivated by having just watched this video,
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=479&v=BLomb52wjvE
> I decided to play around a bit with detangling.
> When I try, it takes some time to get to the original src block.  Even
> though the comment entry before the code looks very reasonable, e.g.:
> #+begin_src julia
>   # [[file:~/s/research/strawberry/src/fresa.org::modulestart][modulestart]]
>   module Fresa
>     [... code elided ...]
>   end
>   # modulestart ends here
> #+end_src
> invoking org-babel-tangle-jump-to-org proceeds to visit a large number
> of files (I only know because many of them require accepting some local
> file variable settings when the files are visited) and org further
> complains about a large number of multiply defined IDs.
> Given that the detangling information in the comment has the file
> explicitly stated, why should the detangling procedure care about IDs
> and why does it need to visit so many files?  Have I configured
> something wrongly?

I think I fixed it in master branch. Could you test it ?

Beware, master branch also include the link syntax change.


Nicolas Goaziou

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