

> My links are like this:
> [[https://somewebsiteaddress.net/path/to/page.do][Timekeeper]]
> [[id:eb1085ed-15fe-46a3-8b5e-3971587d1123][OTL 2019]]
> and I want to see
> [1] Timekeeper
> [2] OTL 2019
> but instead I get the address like this which is much less useable
> [1] https://somewebsiteaddress.net/path/to/page.do
> [2] id:eb1085ed-15fe-46a3-8b5e-3971587d1123

This sounds like a bug fixed a few days ago.


Can you check if the fix is in your copy of Org?

HTH,  Marco

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