Compare this org source:

# A small :noweb mystery: indentation

#+property: header-args:R :session
#+options: toc:nil

The structure of a probablity proble can be represented by a ~JAGS~
code snippet:
#+name: Struct
#+begin_src R :eval never :exports code
  for (i in 1:nObs) {
    for (j in 1:nZ) {
      Z[i,j] ~ dbern(P[i,j])
      logit(P[i,j]) <- alpha + beta[j]*X[i]

The same code snippet can be used for simulation:

#+begin_src R :exports code :results none :noweb yes
  ## Reproducibility ?
  Params <- local({
    nObs <- 500
    nZ <- 5
    X <- rnorm(nObs)
    alpha <- rnorm(1,0,3)
    beta <- rnorm(nZ,-1,2)
  ## Wrap model code
  M <-
    "model {
  ## Compilation
  JM <- jags.model(textConnection(M), data=Params, n.adapt=1,
  ## Forward sampling
  JS <- coda.samples(JM, "Z", n.iter=1)

and for inference, after adding priors of parameters:

#+name: Priors
#+begin_src R :eval never :exports code
  ## Priors
  alpha ~ dt(0, 1e-2, 3)
  for (j in 1:nZ) {
    beta[j] ~ dt(0,1e-2, 3)

#+name: Inference
#+begin_src R :noweb yes :exports code
  Data <- list(
    Z=matrix(as.matrix(JS), ncol=Params$nZ, byrow=FALSE))
  ## Wrap inference model
  MI <-
    "model {
  ## Compilation
  JMI <- jags.model(textConnection(MI), Data, n.chains=4)
  ## Inference sampling
  JMS <- coda.samples(JMI, c("alpha", "beta"), n.iter=1000)

#+RESULTS: Inference

With the result of its export to Ascii:

The structure of a probablity proble can be represented by a `JAGS'
| for (i in 1:nObs) {
|   for (j in 1:nZ) {
|     Z[i,j] ~ dbern(P[i,j])
|     logit(P[i,j]) <- alpha + beta[j]*X[i]
|   }
| }

The same code snippet can be used for simulation:

| library(rjags)
| library(coda)
| ## Reproducibility ?
| set.seed(813)
| Params <- local({
|   nObs <- 500
|   nZ <- 5
|   X <- rnorm(nObs)
|   alpha <- rnorm(1,0,3)
|   beta <- rnorm(nZ,-1,2)
|   list(
|     nObs=nObs,
|     nZ=nZ,
|     X=X,
|     alpha=alpha,
|     beta=beta)
| })
| ## Wrap model code
| M <-
|   "model {
|        for (i in 1:nObs) {
|        for (j in 1:nZ) {
|          Z[i,j] ~ dbern(P[i,j])
|          logit(P[i,j]) <- alpha + beta[j]*X[i]
|        }
|        }
| }"
| ## Compilation
| JM <- jags.model(textConnection(M), data=Params, n.adapt=1,
| ## Forward sampling
| JS <- coda.samples(JM, "Z", n.iter=1)

and for inference, after adding priors of parameters:

| ## Priors
| alpha ~ dt(0, 1e-2, 3)
| for (j in 1:nZ) {
|   beta[j] ~ dt(0,1e-2, 3)
| }

| Data <- list(
|   nObs=Params$nObs,
|   nZ=Params$nZ,
|   X=Params$X,
|   Z=matrix(as.matrix(JS), ncol=Params$nZ, byrow=FALSE))
| ## Wrap inference model
| MI <-
|   "model {
|        for (i in 1:nObs) {
|        for (j in 1:nZ) {
|          Z[i,j] ~ dbern(P[i,j])
|          logit(P[i,j]) <- alpha + beta[j]*X[i]
|        }
|        }
|        ## Priors
|        alpha ~ dt(0, 1e-2, 3)
|        for (j in 1:nZ) {
|        beta[j] ~ dt(0,1e-2, 3)
|        }
| }"
| ## Compilation
| JMI <- jags.model(textConnection(MI), Data, n.chains=4)
| ## Inference sampling
| JMS <- coda.samples(JMI, c("alpha", "beta"), n.iter=1000)

The indentation is not respected in the included JAGS snippets. Further
attempts with exporting to PDF (both the built-in exporter and ox-
pandoc) and DOCX (ox-pandoc) show that the problem remains the same,
but, IIRC, with slight variations in whitespace.

That's not serious (just ugly) for R/JAGS ; but it might be serious for
Python/Sage, where whitespace is syntaxic.

Thoughts ?

Emmanuel Charpentier

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